The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Regional Dialogue Southeast Europe and the Institute for Democratic Engagement Southeast Europe (IDESE) 2018 jointly initiated the ,,Think Engaged: Academia in Dialogue“ series.
IDESE was also engaged in Democratic Left (#DemLeftSEE) process initiated by FES-SOE with the aim of networking, coordination and position-building between activists from throughout the Southeast Europe region. We worked with the conviction that through coordinated action and joined-up movements across the region we can have the ambition to change the political direction of our countries towards truly just, prosperous, democratic, egalitarian and green societies.
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At a historical moment when the political status quo is being questioned throughout the world, #DemLeftSEE seeks to link up with other initiatives to make joint proposals concerning the future of the European continent as a whole. The process is open to new and more established political actors, initiatives and organisations, and is open to a dialogue amongst equals with the political parties on the Left from the region.
We believe that more open, participative and bottom-up policy processes are the future for democracy at a time when large parts of the elite and many establishment politicians have shown their cynical disregard for the fate of ordinary people.
„Think Engaged: Academia in Dialogue“ series aimes at bringing together representatives of academia, civil society, local initiatives and the wider public to discuss the most pressing issues for the wider region of Southeast Europe. The series combines academic insights into topics of societal importance (such as democracy, participation, education, reconciliation, political engagement, far right, etc.) with interventions by civil society representatives, practitioners and media resulting in a unique mix of thinking and crafting solutions for challenges of the region.
Since 2018 we have organized events in Belgrade, Sarajevo, Skopje, Zagreb, Athens and starting with the beginning of the pandemic a series of zoom-webinars.
- Education beyond Reconciliation webinars on: Re-thinking the Ethnic Paradigm in South-Eastern Europe, New Inequalities in Post-pandemic Times: Equal Education for Democracy in SEE; and New Digitalized Education – Global and Regional Perspectives.
- Rise of far-right and identity politics. (South-East) European experiences incl. webinars on: Post-ideological politics: how to revive ideology?, Between West and East: “Right-Wing International” in Southeast Europe, and On far-rights tactics, tools and strategies:
Each of the events resulted in a publication, related to the discussed topics:
(Unheard) Calls for Democracy:
Education and Reconciliation:
VALUES AT STAKE Southeast Europe: A Normative Marketplace?:
AGENCY FOR CHANGE Alternative Democratic Practices in Southeast Europe:
Political Culture in Southeast Europe: Navigating between Democratic and Authoritarian Beliefs and Practices:
Overcoming the Democratisation Deficit in the Western Balkans: A Road to (No)Where?: