The Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory invites all those interested to apply for participation in the School of a Better Future, which will be organised May 16-25, 2022. via Zoom. Lectures will be organized every day from 18:00 to 21:00h in blocks of two lectures, 16.05-18.05. and 23.05-25.05. The call is open to students of all levels of studies and study programs, social activists and young people from Serbia and the region.
We invite you to think together about what could be better in our society and how. Since socialist Yugoslavia was an attempt of a modernist emancipatory project in practice, we will look to a better future over the shoulder of the socialist heritage. We will talk about models that have worked successfully, as well as those that have faced significant problems. We will try to explore ways to overcome these problems in the new progressive policies of the future. The school of a better future strives to overcome the Yugoslav heritage itself and turns to new real utopias for the 21st century and ways to achieve them in practice. Professors, researchers and social activists will talk about the problems and new policies of redistribution, patriotism, de(growth), solidarity, self-government and many other topics.
We will try to answer the following questions:
- How do we treat the socialist heritage in Serbia today?
- In what way is it possible to reaffirm certain socialist models in the contemporary context of Serbia?
- Why do we need new utopias and what utopian concepts do we strive for in the 21st century?
- Are these utopias realistic and what progressive policies can be used to put these concepts into practice?
After the end of the two-week course, the participants are expected to choose one of the topics on which, with the help of a mentor, they will write their own short paper in the length of 2000 words.
The School of a Better Future is organized by the Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory of the University of Belgrade – a leading scientific research institution in our region that focuses on social engagement and reflection on progressive social change. The school is organized within the project Lessons Learned from the Socialist Model in Serbia in partnership with the Institute for Democratic Engagement Southeast Europe and with the support of the Open Society Foundation.
If you are interested in participating, please fill out the short form on this link by May 14 2022.
Participation in the school is free. The program will be held in BHS language.