Thursday, July 2nd, 2020, was at the Moise Palace on Cres Island reserved for an evening of (re)thinking democracy. The cycle of lectures for citizens continued in the scientific and educational center of the University of Rijeka, in line with the (then) upcoming parliamentary elections. The title of the public discussion held was “How Can We Improve Our Democracy?”

Democracy: Advantages, Disadvantages, Traps, and How We Could Contribute to Its Improvement

After a short introduction in the theory of democracy and a review of the basic forms of government, by dr. sc. Marko-Luka Zubčić, the discussion aimed at questioning democracy and today’s democratic principles and practices took off. It developed into a lively exchange of views with the audience attending the discussion. Is democracy the best form of government? What are its advantages, disadvantages, but also its traps and snares? Are we really well informed and what can we do about it? As people of various professions were present in the audience, the proscribed distance was kept in a non-proscribed discussion, enriched with arguments and opinions from various aspects of the immediate social body.