Petar Bojanić
Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade
Center for Advanced Studies SEE, University of Rijeka
Petar Bojanić is a founding Director of the Center for Advanced Studies Southeast Europe. He is a Principal Research Fellow at the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory of the University of Belgrade, and serves as the Executive Director of the Institute for Democratic Engagement Southeast Europe. Bojanić has held visiting professor positions at esteemed institutions worldwide, including Cornell University, the University of Aberdeen, Birkbeck University, and the University of Turin. He specializes in social ontology, ethics of war, theory of architecture, and various projects surrounding Jewish political thought. Among his numerous publications are “Violence and Messianism: Jewish Philosophy and the Great Conflicts of the 20th Century” (Routledge, 2017) and “In-Statuere: Figures of Institutional Building” (Vittorio Klostermann, 2022).
University of Rijeka

Snježana Prijić Samaržija
Coordinating Board;
Madam Rector, University of Rijeka
Snježana Prijić Samaržija, Ph.D., is a Full Professor of Philosophy at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Rijeka. An expert in social philosophy, political epistemology, and applied ethics, she is the key founder and first director of the University of Rijeka Foundation. She has also founded and directs the Centre for Advanced Studies South-East Europe. Before her rector’s mandate, she was the vice-rector for students and studies for eight years. Throughout fifteen years of active participation in university management, she has assumed the role of an expert in numerous national and international committees, advisory boards, and HE bodies in strategic management and leadership domains in HE. Prijić Samaržija has also worked on HE’s social responsibility, community-oriented learning and research, strategies for human resources in research, and ranking policies. Rector Prijić-Samaržija was appointed to the Steering Committee to draft the European University Association (EUA) Strategy plan (2020). She was president of the Alpe Adriatic Rectors Conference and Young European Research University Network (YERUN), a member of the Strategy Board of the European University Alliance – Young Universities for Future of Europe (YUFE), and a member of the Steering Committee for Education Policy and Practices at the Council of Europe. She is the president of Rectors Forum of South East Europe and Wester Balkans.

Sanja Bojanić
Coordinating Deputy;
University of Rijeka
Sanja Bojanić is a researcher immersed in the philosophy of culture, media, and queer studies, with an overarching commitment to comprehend contemporary forms of gender, racial, and class practices, which underpin social and affective inequalities specifically increased in modern societal and political contexts.
She is the executive director of the Center for Advanced Studies Southeast Europe at the University of Rijeka and an associate professor at Rijeka’s Academy of Applied Arts.
Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory of the University of Belgrade

Gazela Pudar Draško
Coordinating Board;
Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory of the University of Belgrade
Gazela Pudar Draško, a political sociologist, currently serves as the Director at the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade, widely recognized for its commitment to engaged scholarship. Gazela also coordinates a working group on HE&science policy advancement in the Rectors’ Forum of Southeast Europe, furthering collaboration in the academic community. Additionally, she contributes her expertise to the Summit for Democracy Deliberative Democracy and Citizens Assemblies Cohort. Her research interests span deliberative democracy, participatory democratic innovations, social movements, and gender studies. Gazela’s work is motivated by a dedication to evidence-based social sciences and advancing participatory governance practices.

Jelena Vasiljević
Coordinating Deputy;
Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory of the University of Belgrade
Jelena Vasiljević is a Senior Research Associate at the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade. Her background is in political anthropology and citizenship studies. Her expertise and research interests include theories of citizenship, citizenship transformations in the post-Yugoslav states, memory politics, civic engagement, and social movements in South-East Europe. Presently, she is primarily interested in theories and practices of solidarity. She was a Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh, working on an ERC project on citizenship transformations in the former Yugoslav states (CITSEE), and a Research Fellow at the Centre for South East European Studies, University of Graz. She is currently involved, as a national coordinator, in a Horizon 2020 (European Commission) project EnTrust. Enlightened trust: An examination of trust and distrust in governance – conditions, effects and remedies. She is the author of the awarded book The Anthropology of Citizenship (in Serbian, 2016). Her articles appeared in Nations and Nationalism, Citizenship Studies, and East European Politics and Societies, among other journals. She was an expert member of The Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group (BiEPAG).
Institute for Advanced Studies at the University of Montenegro

Bojan Baća
Coordinating Board;
Institute for Advanced Studies at the University of Montenegro
Bojan Baća is a research fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies at the University of Montenegro. After receiving his PhD from York University in 2018, he has held postdoctoral positions at the University of Graz, Charles University, Heidelberg University, and most recently at the University of Gothenburg as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow. He has also served as a research fellow at the University of Rijeka, New Europe College, Akademie Schloss Solitude, University of Vienna, and Corvinus University of Budapest.
His research has been published in a variety of peer-reviewed outlets, including Sociology, Antipode, International Political Sociology, Political Geography, Europe-Asia Studies, and Theory, Culture & Society (forthcoming), among several others. Over the past few years, he has received several research awards recognizing his contributions to the study of civil society and social movements in Central and Eastern Europe, such as the 2022 Routledge Area Studies Interdisciplinarity Award, 2022 Zagorka Golubović Engaged Research Award, and 2020 Danubius Young Scientist Award.
His professional background includes more than a decade of experience in the non-governmental sector, where he worked as a policy analyst and consultant. Presently, he is a member of the Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group (BiEPAG).

Teodora Stanković
Coordinating Deputy;
Institute for Advanced Studies at the University of Montenegro
Teodora Stanković is a Research Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies at the University of Montenegro, holding a BSc in International Relations, an MSc in Political Science, and a PhD from the same university, where she defended a dissertation on the role of energy issues as sources of conflict in various tense regions.
Stanković’s international experience includes studies and skill advancement at prestigious universities such as Heidelberg University, the University of Salzburg, the University of Ljubljana, and the University of Buenos Aires. She worked as a Research Assistant at the Institute for Advanced Studies of the University of Montenegro from February to December 2022, before being appointed as an Assistant Research Professor in December 2022. Since April 2023, she has been a member of the Center of Young Scientists of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts. In December 2023, she was unanimously elected as the Secretary of the same center for a two-year term.
Faculty of Architecture Skopje, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje

Ognen Marina
Coordinating Board;
Faculty of Architecture Skopje,
University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje
Ognen Marina, PhD is an architect and holds PhD in Architecture and Urbanism. Since 2017 he is the Dean of Faculty of Architecture and since 2023 Director of Centre for advanced and Post-Doctoral Studies at University “SS. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje, North Macedonia. He was the Director of “The Skopje Project” Conference (https://theskopjeproject.com/) held in Skopje in 2023 for the occasion of 60 years anniversary of Skopje earthquake.
His main field of interest is development and implementation of novel strategies in architecture and sustainable urban development. He is particularly interested in use of digital tools for development of models of urban form, modelling processes of urban transformation and urban innovation through hybridization in the context of transitional societies, urban resilience, cultural heritage and climate change mitigation.
He is author of books related to analysis, assessment and modeling of urban development and its impact on the cities and society including “The Skopje Project” (forthcoming in 2024), “Inclusive/Exclusive Cities” (Eds. O. Marina, A. Armando, 2016), Projects for an Inclusive City (Eds. O. Marina, A. Armando, 2015) and “3D City Models and Urban Information: Current Issues and Perspectives” (Rolland Billen, O. Marina, et all. EDP Science, Les Ulis Cedex A, France, 2014). He was a project leader for Horizon 2020 ROCK project, UNDP studies for Social housing and achieving SDG 11 and a leading expert for development of Skopje Smart City Strategy and Strategies for urban development of Skopje and Bitola.

Ana Trombeva-Gavriloska
Coordinating Deputy;
Faculty of Architecture Skopje,
University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje
Prof. Dr. Ana Trombeva-Gavriloska, is a civil engineer and holds PhD in Civil engineering. She is a professor and Vice Dean at Faculty of Architecture, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje
Her main filed of interest is in research of Circular Economy, Environmental Impact of Urbanisation and Risk assessment and management in urban environment. She is also interested in research of new materials and their implementation in new structures, strengthening and rehabilitation of existing constructions, energy efficiency of structures and effect of climate changes on energy consumption of buildings and air pollution.
As an author and coauthor she has published numerous papers related to design and strengthening of constructions, composite materials, energy efficiency of structures and sustainable construction. She is the author and co-author of research study and Strategy for sustainable urban development of City of Bitola. She has participated in a several international projects: MEnS-Meeting of Energy professional Skills, “Professional training courses in nearly zero energy buildings NZEB”, KFORCE-Knowledge for Resilient Society, ROCK-Regeneration and Optimisation of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities, 1FUTURE-Joined for Sustainability – Building Climate Resilient Communities in WB and EU.
She is a member of the Council of the Standardisation Institute of the North Macedonia and President of the Supervisory board of the Chamber of Certified Architects and Certified Engineers.
University of Sarajevo – “Professor Zdravko Grebo” Center for Interdisciplinary Studies (UNSA CIS)

Maja Arslanagić Kalajdžić
Coordinating Board;
University of Sarajevo – “Professor Zdravko Grebo” Center for Interdisciplinary Studies (UNSA CIS)
Dr. Maja Arslanagić-Kalajdžić is Professor at University of Sarajevo – School of Economics and Business (SEBS), Marketing Department (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Head of the Center for Research and Development at the University of Sarajevo. She holds a PhD from the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. In 2016 and 2017, she worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the Chair of International Marketing, Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics, University of Vienna. With 16 years of professional experience in academia, but also as consultant, Maja’s vast experience ranges from support to start-ups and entrepreneurs to work on SMEs and large enterprises. In particular, she is experienced in working on development of science and innovation ecosystem, R&D&I policy-making, as well as technology and knowledge transfer, linking academia and industry, research infrastructure and business side of intellectual property management. Topics of her interest range from B2B/industrial marketing, international marketing to ESG and sustainable development topics. Maja has participated various projects funded by national and international institutions (e.g., Horizon Europe, Horizon 2020, EIT HEI, SMP, COSME, Danube Transnational Programme, Adrion Programme, UNDP, UN Women). She has co-authored more than 50 journal articles, several books, monographs and book chapters and she presented her research at more than 100 international scientific conferences.
Center for Advanced Studies, University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” (CAS UP)

Faton Berisha
Coordinating Board;
Center for Advanced Studies,
University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” (CAS UP)
Full Professor of Mathematics at the University of Prishtina. He received his doctorate in mathematical sciences (approximation theory) in 1998 and has been a full professor since 2004. He has conducted research on numerical analysis at the “Alfred Renyi” Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Department of Mathematics and Applications at the Central European University (CEU). There have been a number of international academic mobilities for study and specialization purposes at institutions such as Moscow State University, La Rochelle University in France, University of Jena in Germany, Carlow Institute of Technology in Ireland, and Arizona State University. In the service of University of Prishtina, he previously held the functions of vice-rector and vice-dean of the Faculty of Mathematical-Natural Sciences. He is currently the vice-rector for personal staff, integrity and publications at University of Prishtina.

Gentrit Berisha
Coordinating Deputy;
Center for Advanced Studies,
University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” (CAS UP)
Gentrit Berisha is a Professor of Management at the University of Prishtina. His research interests revolve around intrapreneurship, entrepreneurship organizational behavior, decision making, and ethics. His has published numerous reseaech articles in journals indexed in most of the major publishers. His research has been presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting and the European Academy of Management Conference.
Gentrit is a Transformational Leadership Program Fellow, having conducted an exchange study visit at the Tuck School of Business.
He teaches Managerial Decision Making, Operations Management, Career Development, and Business ethics. He has had teaching experiences in business schools in Germany, Portugal, Lithuania, and Croatia.
Center for Advanced Postdoctoral Studiesat Rectorate UT (CAPS UT)

Anila Paparisto
Coordinating Board;
Center for Advanced Postdoctoral Studiesat Rectorate UT (CAPS UT)
Born in Tirana on 24.09.1969; Graduated from the University of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Sciences, 5-year study Integrated Master of Sciences “Biology” 1988-1993. Master of Science in Molecular Biology-Biotechnology, Vrije – Universiteiet, Brussels, Belgium 1997. Doctor of Science in Entomology, UT, 2001. Associate Professor in 2007; Professor in 2012. Deputy Rector of the University of Tirana 2021-present; Lector of Invertebrate Zoology (bachelor program in Biology) 1998-present; Lector Didactics of Biology Teaching and Practical Training and Projects in Biology (Master of Science, Biology Teacher for High School) 1994-today. Winner of the UNESCO-L’Oreal Fellowship for Young Women in Science award, 2002. Vice Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Tirana University 2008-2012. Head of the Teaching and Research Group of Zoology and Animal Ecology 2008-today. Member of the Academic Senate of Tirana University 2012-present; Member of the Albanian Academy of Arts and Science 2013-present. Member of the organization Women in Science 2012-today. Member of the Accreditation Board of Higher Education, Albania 2017-2021. Member of the HERE, Higher Education Reform Expert Group 2015-2021. Scientific interests: Biodiversity of the class Insecta (taxonomy, distribution, ecology, and conservation of insects, orders Lepidoptera, Odonata and Coleoptera); Insects as bio–indicators of river water quality; Invasive species; management of Protected Areas and Monitoring of Animal Biodiversity. Study principles and methods of teaching and learning Biology. Author of over 100 articles and presentations in scientific journals and conferences. Member and activist of Civil Society and Environmental Associations from 1991 to today.
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Boštjan Markoli
Coordinating Board;
University of Ljubljana
Prof. Dr. Boštjan Markoli is a full professor in the field of physical metallurgy at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering at the University of Ljubljana (UL NTF), where he received his PhD in 2000. He is engaged in the characterisation and development of new metallic materials. In the 1990s he perfected his skills by collaborating with the Technical University of Munich in the development of alloys for the Airbus 320 and the Audi A6. In 2010 he was a visiting researcher at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway, as a Norwegian Government Fellow, and as a Fulbright Fellow he worked at the University of California, Berkeley, USA, in 2011 and 2012. More recently, Prof. Dr. Markoli has collaborated with the Université de Lorraine in Nancy as a member of the associated laboratory PACS2, under the auspices of the French CNRS. At his home faculty, he has held several leadership positions and was also Dean of the UL NTF in 2017-21. He has gained experience in managing and evaluating the quality of services and processes in business as a member of supervisory boards in companies. He publishes the results of his research in prestigious scientific and professional publications, regularly participates in international scientific meetings and is a member of international professional associations. He was elected the Vice-Rector of the University of Ljubljana for internationalisation and quality, for a period from 1st October 2021 to 30th September 2025.

Ivan Svetlik
Coordinating Deputy;
University of Ljubljana
Prof. Dr. Ivan Svetlik is the pioneer of the human resources study in Slovenia. Since 1974 he has been a professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana. From 1993 to 1997 he was also the Dean of the same faculty. From 2005 to 2008, he was the Vice-Rector of the University of Ljubljana. He is the author of the first University of Ljubljana mission and the co-author of the first University of Ljubljana Strategy 2006-2009. He established the university system of tutoring, the university career center, and the University of Ljubljana Global Alumni and Associate Network and coordinated the second external EUA evaluation of the University of Ljubljana. He is the co-author of the University of Ljubljana Strategy 2012-2020 and of the evaluation study Bologna in Ljubljana. From 2008 to 2011, he was the minister for labor, family, and social affairs. He signed over 400 articles and books in Slovenian and other languages, mainly in the fields of education, employment, social policy, and human resources. From 2013 to 2017 he was the Rector of the University of Ljubljana. Currently, he is actively involved in the activities of the Rectors’ Forum of Southeast Europe and Western Balkans.

Katja Cerar
Coordinating Deputy;
University of Ljubljana
Katja Cerar completed her bachelor’s and master’s studies at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport. She began her career in the private sector, as a project, health promotion, and sports coordinator. Later, she continued her career in the public sector. She has been employed at the University of Ljubljana for 19 years. Since 2015 she has been responsible for promotional and support activities for international students and candidates, cooperation with international partners, and within international associations and networks at the central level. She actively participates in and coordinates the activities of the University of Ljubljana Global Alumni and Associate Network and the Rectors’ Forum of Southeast Europe and Western Balkans.

Irena Molnar
Academic Network Coordinator;
Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory in Belgrade
Irena Molnar, serving as the Program Development Manager at the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory in Belgrade, brings forth a wealth of expertise and dedication to her role. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Social Anthropology from the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy. With a robust background in project and financial management, Irena has gained valuable experience through diverse roles within government and civil society organizations, both at the national and international levels.
Her notable achievements include the successful coordination of fellowship programs for multiple cohorts at the IFDT. Going beyond program development manager, Irena actively contributes to coordinating various projects and programs, highlighting her adept project management skills. Her commitment to fostering intellectual and social advancements is evident not only through her fellowship coordination but also in her strategic involvement in development initiatives.
Irena’s proficiency extends to networking, where she plays a pivotal role in coordinating with several European networks. Her primary focus lies on the Western Balkans and Southeast Europe, showcasing her commitment to regional collaboration and development. With a comprehensive skill set and dedication to advancing organizational and social discourse, Irena Molnar significantly contributes to the growth of the organizations she is engaged with.
Contact: irena.molnar@ifdt.bg.ac.rs

Stefania Petris
Operations and Finances Officer;
Regional Centre for Advanced Studies in Humanities Sciences
Stefania Petris is a Financial Assistant at the Regional Network of Centres for Advanced Studies in Southeast Europe (RECAS) and a team member at the Center for Advanced Studies (CAS-UNIRI). She graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Rijeka, specializing in Entrepreneurship. Her career began in the private sector, where she gained substantial experience in financial management and analysis. Through her work, she developed expertise in budgeting and strategic planning, supported by a strong analytical approach and a proven ability to foster financial stability and growth.
Contact: stefania.petris.recas@gmail.com