Regional Fellowship Program

The main aim of this program pillar will be designed to provide opportunity for academicians and researchers from the region with the academic and policy community in the region (public administration, civil society, media).

Regional Call for Fellowship Applications

Inspired by the cooperation of generations of Early Career Researchers at the Center for Advanced Studies Southeast Europe, University of Rijeka and the creation of long-term academic synergies within Southeast Europe declared at the 2023 Rectors’ Forum of Southeast Europe and Western Balkans, we are……

Think Engaged: Academia in Dialogue

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Regional Dialogue Southeast Europe and the Institute for Democratic Engagement Southeast Europe (IDESE) 2018 jointly initiated the ,,Think Engaged: Academia in Dialogue“ series. IDESE was also engaged in Democratic Left (#DemLeftSEE) process initiated by FES-SOE with the aim of networking, coordination and position-building between activists from throughout the Southeast Europe region. We worked ... Read more

Engaged Democracy Initiative (EDI)

The European Fund for the Balkans (EFB) and the Institute for Democratic Engagement Southeast Europe (IDESE) joined forces and created the Engaged Democracy Initiative (EDI)…

Out of sight: poverty, rurality, gender

The project is about including people from rural communities into the creative part of work allowing them to demonstrate their capacity of perceiving inequalities, barriers…

Gender in academia and family life

The project aims to tackle the main problems and challenges of starting an academic and scientific career and their compatibility with family life…

Gender familiarization in serbia

Gender issues provoke intense debate in Serbia thus strongly influencing the creation of public opinion. The attitude towards these – shapes fundamental cultural values in family…