CAS SEE Seminars with Guests: Anton Shekhovtsov

On Thursday, May 23rd 2024 at 12:00 (CET), we are hosting the CAS SEE Seminar with Anton Shekhovtsov on „Russian Political Warfare“ in conversation with the RECAS  Fellow Péter Krekó.

Anton Shekhovtsov

Dr. Anton Shekhovtsov is Visiting Professor at the Department of International Relations of the Central European University (Austria), Director of the Centre for Democratic Integrity (Austria), and Associated Researcher at the Research Center for the History of Transformations at the University of Vienna (Austria). He holds a PhD from University College London (UK). He is the author of the books New Radical Right-Wing Parties in European Democracies (2011), Russia and the Western Far Right: Tango Noir (2017), and Russian Political Warfare (2023). Shekhovtsov also published numerous op-eds in international media, and several academic articles in Journal of Democracy, Russian Politics and Law, Europe-Asia Studies, Nationalities Papers, Patterns of Prejudice, and Osteuropa, among others.

About the seminar

In this talk, Anton Shekhovtsov will introduce the main findings of his research on malign Russian influence operations that aimed to advance Moscow’s strategic and tactical objectives in European countries as well as in particular African states. These operations were conducted in the framework of Russia’s anti-Western political warfare and involved attempts to exploit divisive social issues, sow confusion and fear, encourage dissention and polarisation, undermine democratic institutions, and corrupt political forces. He has written a book on the topic, that has been published at Ibiden Verlag/Columbia University Press.

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RECAS Fellowships

RECAS Fellowships

Fellowships are supported by OSF Western Balkans, ERSTE Foundation and Rockefeller Brothers Fund.